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My father paragraph

My father stands tall among men. He lives by great principles and I am proud of him. He is very honest and courageous. He will not grudge any trouble he may have to undergo to be on the side of truth.
My father is my ideal. He is a hard working person. He always completes his work on time. He believes that the busiest man has the greatest leisure. He proves it in his own life. Though he is a very busy person, he makes sure to take time out to take us on outings to interesting places. He loves to write, and he pens travelogues and poems. When we go on an excursion or a holiday he enjoys writing about the different places that we visit. His travel writing makes pleasurable reading.
My father also loves reading. He is a voracious reader, and has an enviable collection of books in his library. He is particular about keeping the books neat and tidy. His books look like new. He is strict with me and lets me read his books only if I can keep them neat and clean. My father is disciplined. He sticks to his schedule and is always punctual. He insists that I should be on time. He is very strict about this and so I try my best to be punctual.
My father is good natured and very friendly. He is peaceable. He does not like to quarrel with anyone. He not only likes to stay happy, he also makes people around him happy. He is helpful to anyone who may need his help. If he is unable to help, he is courteous to say so. He is always polite. He believes in the power of words, and makes sure his words do not hurt anyone.

My father likes to play different sports. He also encourages his friends to play any sport of their choice to stay fit and healthy. He wakes up early in the morning and does not stay up late at night. Early to bed and early to rise is a maxim he follows for good health. He uses the early morning hours to practice meditation and brisk exercise. My father wants me to be a good human being with high morals. I love my father. I want to make my father proud of me, and I am willing to work hard for this.

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